Sen. Jeremiah Koung
Vice-Pesidential Candidate
The Running Mate: A Profile In Resilience

Sen. Jeremiah Koung
Senator Jeremiah Kpan Koung is the Vice Standard Bearer/Running Mate to Ambassador Joseph N. Boakai, former Vice President of Liberia and Standard Bearer of the Unity Party for the 2023 Presidential Election.
The Nimba County Senator sees his preferment as running mate to Ambassador Boakai purely as “an act of destiny.” He was elected to a nine-year term during the Special Senatorial Election held in December of 2020. His selection by the Standard Bearer of the Unity Party as running mate bridges the gap between the young and old. Both generations consider Senator Koung an embodiment of hope – both symbolic and in fact – for the mainly destitute young people of Liberia, many of whom, with little or no opportunity, now find themselves heavily entrenched in the informal sector of the economy, an area Senator Koung particularly identifies with, and is a background that has shaped much of the success story of his life.
Born on March 17, 1978, in Yekepa, Nimba County, to Mr. Adam Sunday Koung and Mrs. Esther Markar Koung. His father, Adam migrated to Nimba from Sinoe County in the early 1960s in search of a job with the Liberian American – Swedish Minerals Company (LAMCO), and his mother, Ma. Esther is a native of Nimba. His family lineage stretches from Nimba to the Southeastern region of Liberia, with a good number of his childhood years spent in Grand Bassa County. Sen. Koung’s humble beginning should be familiar to every child who struggled to escape stagnation and poverty in the throes of the Liberian civil conflict.
At age 12, and at the height of the civil disruptions, young Koung started living on his own, and many times slept under a canoe along the beaches of the sea coast seeking refuge from terror at night. Those beaches that provided shelter would later spur his passion for business, which to date is arguably his most enduring legacy in society. Young Koung’s initial exposure to business came from Providence and can be traced to a fisherman who favored him by letting him take a foothold in fishmongering. For more than three years, young Koung sold fish and saved money for himself. Later, the startup evolved into retailing distilled products of sugarcane juice in markets in Guinea. His engagements in cross-border trade as a young man saw him risk life and limb, as he was caught in the crosshairs of the Liberian civil war. Yet, throughout the war, young Koung never became a combatant, and never held or fired guns. At the end of the civil conflict, and with peace reigning, Koung saw an opportunity to expand his business by adding the sale and transportation of petroleum products, importation of used cars from the United States and Europe, sale of general merchandise, building materials, frozen food, a micro loans scheme, real estate ventures, and many more. The tenacity to hold onto his dream of becoming a successful businessman despite the odds stacked against him made young Koung persevere and resilient. Today, he is one of the most prominent and successful Liberian businessmen in Nimba County, owning a string of businesses that have added to the rapidly evolving commercial metropole of Gompa City in Nimba County – all this done through the sweat of his brow. Koung also served as Credit Manager for the Ganta United Brother’s Credit Union (GUBC), then one of the largest loan institutions in Ganta, Nimba County, Republic of Liberia.
Having realized that an elected office would increase the opportunity to serve the people by giving back to his country and community, Koung vied for a legislative seat in the House of Representatives during the 2011 Legislative and Presidential Elections for the Gompa municipality of Electoral District One, which he won, serving one and a half terms (9 years). Later, in 2020 Koung would participate in the 2020 Special Senatorial Election and win to clinch another nine-year term in the Liberian Senate.
Adding a feather to his political hat, Senator Koung got elected as Political Leader of the Movement for Democracy and Reconstruction (MDR), during a special convention in 2023. The MDR garnered 8.2 % of the total votes cast in the 2017 Presidential Elections, finishing fourth. The party has a very solid base in Nimba County, a history of pulling the second-largest number of votes in post-war presidential election cycles, and is known for its rapid economic and infrastructure development.
With experience in the business of national legislation and private sector growth enhancement, Senator Koung has been a champion for the Liberianization Policy, with the goal of helping to create a middle-income country. Senator Koung strongly believes in leveraging his business and legislative experiences to improve the lives of his constituencies and the wider Liberian society.
In the 53rd and 54th Legislatures, Koung developed and championed the enactment of a Technical and Vocational Education Training Bill (TVET) in the House of Representatives for the establishment of “The Gompa Technical and Vocational School”. The Act, which was subsequently passed into Law, allows, among others, career-oriented programs through capacity-building certification that would target participants to develop proficiency in industrial and other technical jobs for growth and development by creating more employment opportunities for young people in Liberia. Honorable Koung also sponsored a Bill proposing the de-dollarization of the Liberian currency to curtail inflation and boost economic growth. The bill was passed by the House of Representatives and sent to the Senate for concurrence.
The running mate to Ambassador Joseph Nyuma Boakai has held leadership roles in the Liberian Senate since 2021, including Chairman, Committee on Post and Telecommunications; Co-Chair of the Defense, Intelligence, Security and Veteran Affairs committees; Member, Committee on Health; Co-Chair, Committee on Public Works, and Co-Chair, Committee on Public Accounts and Audit.
Senator Koung is a humanitarian who sees education as a necessary tool for developing the talents of young people for personal growth and national development. He has offered international scholarships to Liberian students for master’s and bachelor’s degrees to study in Europe. He also funds a domestic scholarship program for 200 students within the various universities in Liberia and periodically provides financial aid to needy students who are not in the scholarship scheme.
Senator Koung’s humanitarian hand extends beyond education to the improvement of health and other areas of community development. In 2022, Senator Koung built and furnished a surgical theater at Karnplay Comprehensive Medical Center which he later turned over to the government of Liberia; constructed the Glenyiluu Market Hall and Small Ganta Market in 2020; constructed the Wuo Town Hall and installed 136 hand pumps from 2012 to 2022; constructed the Gbloyee Market in 2019; donated Medical equipment (Anesthesia machine), to Saclepea Medical Center in 2013; from 2012 to 2016, he built 10 classrooms to annex J.W. Pearson Public High School in Ganta; upgraded J.W. Pearson from Junior High to Senior High School through the construction of additional 6 classrooms and turned it over to the Government of Liberia; he also built Gowee and Wlenlah Elementary Public Schools from 2012 to 2014; and constructed maternal waiting homes across Nimba county from 2011 to 2023.
Senator Koung is currently constructing a doctors’ Residence in Saclepea. In addition, he is constructing a surgical theatre, labor/delivery rooms, and maternity wards to improve Bahn Health Center into a more comprehensive Health Center; constructing the Buutuo and Gbloulay health facilities, and has commissioned a feasibility study for the Zekepa health center.
His flagship intervention in health, however, would come in 2016, when after 5 years of work, he would present to the people in Nimba a 116-bed hospital (E&J Medical Center) named after his mother and daughter. The hospital was later turned over to the government.
Currently, Sen. Koung is a candidate for a master’s degree in Finance, at the University of Ghana School of Business in Accra, Ghana. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from Cuttington University in Suacoco, Bong County, Liberia.
Senator Koung is fluent in other local languages such as Dan, Mann, Grebo (Tato) and Bassa.
Senator Jeremiah Kpan Koung is a Christian and a member of the Methodist Church. He is married to Synleseh Stephanie Dahn -Koung. They are blessed with children.
Jeremiah K. Koung
Former Vice President Joseph Boakai Select Senator Jeremiah Koung
Former Vice President Joseph Boakai formally announce Senator Jeremiah Koung of the vote-rich Nimba County as his running mate.

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